1031 Exchange
Tax-deferred exchanges require specific terms for completion, but they don’t have to be complicated. Whether this is your first time doing an exchange or you’ve done multiples before, our team has the resources to assist you through the entire process.

Maximizing Cash-Flow Through a 1031 Exchange
Our client had owned a multi-tenant industrial flex property in Woodland, California for 15+ years with good results. After seeing how much the property appreciated from when he first bought it, he decided it was best to harvest the equity he had built and place elsewhere in order to maximize cashflow for his children. Through our aggressive marketingcampaignourteamwasabletofindaBuyerwhowaswillingtoworkwiththesellerongiving him time to find suitable uplegs. In the end, we were able to successfully exchange the one property in Woodland for two separate properties all within the time frame needed to qualify for a 1031 exchange. By exchanging a single $2.7M asset for two separate properties with a collective value of $4.6M, we not only increased the number of assets held by this client, but we also nearly doubled their pre-tax cashflow.